Hyperloop – Civil engineering point of view according to Polish experience
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Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Al. Armii Ludowej 16, 00-637 Warsaw, Poland
YLE Inzynierowie Co., Warsaw, Poland
Railways Institute, Warsaw, Poland
Submission date: 2021-08-11
Final revision date: 2021-09-13
Acceptance date: 2021-09-13
Publication date: 2022-03-29
Archives of Civil Engineering 2022;68(1):5-26
Idea to travel faster and faster is as old as human civilization. Different ways were used to move from point to point over centuries. The railways, cars, air-plains and rockets were invented. Each of them have limitations and advantages. Therefore, people always look for other, better solutions. One of them is “vacuum rail” moving inside a tube, known also as a Hyperloop. The number of problems to be solved is extremely high. This paper is devoted to civil engineering problems only e.g. viaducts, tunnels, stations. It is necessary to consider the kind of sub- and superstructure supporting the tube, influence of changes of ambient temperature and solar radiation, the way to ensure safety and structural integrity of the structures in case of fire, decompression of a structural tube and air-tightening, occurrence of accidents etc. Taking into account the fact that bridge and tunnel standards do not include information relating to above mentioned problems it is interesting to determine rules for design, construction and maintenance of such structures.
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