From legend to discovery – historical and geotechnical conditions related to the discovery of tunnels under The Castle Hill in Szczecin
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Building Research Institute, 21 Ksawerów St., 02-656 Warsaw, Poland
Warsaw University, Geology Department, 93 Zwirki i Wigury St., 02-089 Warsaw, Poland
Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Al. Armii Ludowej 16, 00-637 Warsaw, Poland
Submission date: 2022-08-24
Final revision date: 2022-09-16
Acceptance date: 2022-09-22
Publication date: 2023-04-03
Archives of Civil Engineering 2023;69(1):453-467
The historical past of a building has a key influence on the variability of geotechnical conditions. These conditions change with a modification of the structural system, a change in function or only architectural elements (fashionable in a given period). In the article, various geotechnical and geophysical surveys are described, which led to a discovery of potential causes of a structural failure at historical Castle of Dukes of Pomerania in Szczecin. The investigation resulted in a discovery of an underground tunnel system constructed under the Castle, which existence was only suspected. The tunnels were constructed primarily during II World War, but also before that period. The article summarizes facts discovered due to investigation as well as historical and geological background related to the execution of the reinforced concrete and masonry tunnels. The lesson learned resulting from this discovery is that great care should be taken when historical areas are considered, even if the structure seems to be massive and robust.
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