Single Bore Multiple Anchors – conclusions based on anchor tests
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Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Al. Armii Ludowej 16, 0-637 Warsaw, Poland
Submission date: 2021-11-14
Final revision date: 2022-04-20
Acceptance date: 2022-04-26
Publication date: 2022-12-30
Archives of Civil Engineering 2022;68(4):63-76
The technology of single bore multiple anchor is well known and mainly used as a method of providing support for retaining walls of deep excavations in weak soils. Multiple fixed lengths in a single borehole is a major difference to conventional anchors. The purpose of it and the most important facts affecting bearing capacity are presented. Due to the reduction of progressive debonding higher bearing capacities can be achieved and the impact of soil consolidation is decreased. Unique properties of this technology potentially reduce construction costs and increase the reliability and safety of the structure. Single Bore Multiple Anchors in most cases are prestressed by synchronised hydraulic jacks to provide that every anchor unit transfers the same load. The purpose of this paper is to present the results of investigation and suitability tests, which took place at the site of Zlote Tarasy Shopping Centre in Warsaw. The carried out research reveals that prestressing of one fixed anchor causes a decrease in lock-off load of the second fixed anchor, regardless of the order of prestressing. Measured values presents range from 6% to 14%. Results indicate mutual influence between loads of fixed anchors from the separate prestressing.
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