Experimental Investigation of Loading Frequency Influence on a Strength of Asphalt Interlayer Bonding
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Publication date: 2020-03-30
Archives of Civil Engineering 2020;66(1):197-208
The article presents a new approach to testing the strength of asphalt interlayer bonding. Two loading methods were used: static load and cyclic load. Before carrying out static shear strength tests, the interlayer bonding was subjected to cyclic loads with a constant number of cycles but with different frequencies. A number of layered samples with and without geosynthetic interlayers were tested at the set temperature. The comparative analyses allowed to determine the functions approximating the impact of the cyclic load frequency on the static strength of bonding at selected interlayer contact conditions. It was also possible to indicate the frequency of cyclic load at which this parameter has the largest and smallest impact on the static strength of the asphalt interlayer bonding.
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