Verification of punching shear outside the shear cap by the direct method
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Maciej Grabski Engineering, 94B/1 Leszczynowa Street, 80-175 Gdansk, Poland
Gdansk University of Technology, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Gabriela Narutowicza St. 11/12, 80-233 Gdansk, Poland
Submission date: 2022-04-08
Final revision date: 2022-06-03
Acceptance date: 2022-06-13
Publication date: 2022-12-30
Archives of Civil Engineering 2022;68(4):359-375
The proposition of a method to verify the punching resistance for very large supports based on the EN 1992-1-1 standard is described in this paper. The present standard guidelines for the calculation of the punching resistance for large supports are also summarised. The proposed direct method is compared with other standard methods using an example taken from design practice. This method consists of a direct check of the shear forces at specific locations of the control perimeter with the permissible shear force calculated from the EC2 standard. The method showed very good agreement with the experiment while remaining practical for applications. The method presented takes into account the actual distribution of shear forces in the vicinity of the support, taking into account the influence of non-uniform loads, irregular floor geometry, the concentration of internal forces at the corners of the support and the influence of the stiffness of the head used. The paper provides scientists, engineers, and designers new method (called the direct method) for estimation of the punching load-bearing capacity outside the shear cap.