On Adjusting the Load Bearing Capacity of Decisive Members to Reliability Classes of Statically Determinate Complex Structures
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Publication date: 2013-03-31
Archives of Civil Engineering 2013;59(1):131-142
The paper provides a solution to the problem of dimensioning decisive bars on the basis of the conditions of meeting the recommended reliability classes [9] of statically determinate structures composed of n members. A theorem was formulated:if a statically determinate structure composed of n decisive members is to attain the reliability greater than, or equal to, the recommended relia-bility p = 1 – q, it is necessary and suffi cient that the damage frequency sum qᵢ of decisive members is smaller than the admissible damage frequency q of thestructure: ∑qᵢ < q. On the basis of this theorem, s coeffi cients that recommend increase of the load bearing capacity of the decisive bars in a statically determinate structure constructed in order to meet the recommended class [9] of the structure reliability, are estimated and presented in a tabular form.