Evaluation of the influence of selected factors on hazardous events in construction
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Cracow University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Division of Management in Civil Engineering, ul. Warszawska 24, 31-155 Kraków, Poland
Submission date: 2021-09-09
Acceptance date: 2021-09-13
Publication date: 2022-06-30
Archives of Civil Engineering 2022;68(2):377-390
The article analyzes factors that may have an impact on Occupational Safety in a construction company and the issues of work safety in construction were discussed. An attempt was made to analyze the management of work safety in construction companies in order to identify important factors and determine the significance of their participation in the occurrence of accidents at work. The research was carried out on the basis of data obtained from the register kept at the District Labor Inspectorate in Krakow. Cases which were discussed included accident protocols prepared pursuant to the law, as well as cases found in protocols of ad hoc inspections carried out on construction sites. There were quantitative and qualitative features in the analyzed data set. Logistic regression was used to analyze the data to build the model. Such action made it possible to model and determine the significance of the influence of individual variables characterizing the way of managing work safety in construction companies, in the case of an accident. The results obtained, and in particular the significance of factors shown in the model, even not directly related to the construction site, may be an indication for creating a functional strategy in the enterprise. The strategy assuming: smaller number of accidents or adverse events, shorter downtime will build a reputation of an institution that cares for the employee. This will allow the construction company to become more competitive and shall attract the best professionals available on the labor market. The end result is the identification of key factors that have a direct impact on work safety and the competitiveness of a construction company.