The requirements for structural performance and seismic performance in the field of civil engineering are increasing. Traditional building structures have certain limitations in extreme conditions such as earthquakes. Therefore, this study discusses the design of modular bi-directional load-bearing and energy dissipating nodes in the context of intelligent construction to improve the seismic performance of buildings. The study designs vertical nodes and bi-directional nodes, and the test results show that the hysteresis curve of the nodes is hump-shaped, exhibiting excellent plastic deformation and energy dissipation performance. The introduction of oblique stiffening ribs in the vertical nodes significantly improves the load-bearing capacity, and there is no significant decrease in load-bearing capacity when loaded to approximately 32 mm. The maximum energy dissipation coefficient and equivalent viscous damping coefficient of vertical node specimen 1 are 1.485 and 0.239, respectively. For specimen 2, the maximum values are 1.801 and 0.288, and for the bi-directional nodes, the maximum values are 2.156 and 0.351, demonstrating excellent energy dissipation capability. In conclusion, this research is of great significance for the combination of modern building engineering technology and intelligent construction, providing strong support for the seismic performance and overall safety of building structures.
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