A study of control scheme of debris flows and geological disasters in the Shiwei river basin
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School of Civil Engineering, Chongqing Chemical Industry Vocational College, China
Submission date: 2023-04-13
Final revision date: 2023-09-20
Acceptance date: 2023-10-24
Publication date: 2024-04-02
Corresponding author
Hanhui Wu
School of Civil Engineering, Chongqing Chemical Industry Vocational College, China
Archives of Civil Engineering 2024;70(1):509-526
The basic characteristics of debris flows in the Shiwei River Basin are summarized through the field investigation on debris flows in the Shiwei River Basin and analysis on formation conditions of debris flows from three aspects, i.e. geological environment, geological structure and neotectonic movement, as well as seismic action. Based on this, the stability of landslide in the Shiwei River Basin is analyzed and calculated, and the stability coefficient of landslide is obtained. The debris flows in the Shiwei River Basin will directly damage and threaten the county town, while other geological disasters such as landslide, collapse, slope sliding & collapse and potentially unstable slopes will indirectly damage and threaten the county town. The landslide form is clear, and the landslide stability calculation shows that the landslide body is generally stable - basically stable, but partially unstable - less stable. The "blocking + discharging" comprehensive control scheme is proposed according to the formation conditions and development characteristics of debris flows in the Shiwei River Basin, and the study findings can be used as a reference for similar projects.