A Data Envelopment Analysis Based for Evaluating Efficiency of Bus Public Routes
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Submission date: 2020-04-28
Final revision date: 2020-08-24
Acceptance date: 2020-08-24
Publication date: 2020-12-11
Archives of Civil Engineering 2020;66(4):303-323
The public transport service is highly essential to meet the demand due to a rapidly growing population and mobility. Thus providing public service and improve its service becomes an urgent need in recent years. In Iraq, the Bus system represents the backbone in public transportation, which is based mainly on highway infrastructure. To meet the growing mobility needs, enhancing public service provided only by bus routes is essential. Measuring bus route performance represents one of the crucial transit research topics in the last recent years. The current study tries to investigate the urban public route's efficiency utilizing the "data envelopment analysis (DEA)" technique. To analyze route performance, DEA is using, and performance measures include route design, cost, service, operation, and comfort efficiency are selected and calculated for different routes. Efficiency and effectiveness are the output of this process. Bus company owners can also use the results of this study to improve their services, attract new customers, and better manage their resources.
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