Wind tunnel model tests of wind action on the chimney with grid-type curtain structure
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Cracow University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Wind Engineering Laboratory, Jana Pawła II 37/3a, 31-864 Cracow
Submission date: 2020-11-25
Final revision date: 2021-02-18
Acceptance date: 2021-02-18
Publication date: 2021-09-08
Archives of Civil Engineering 2021;67(3):177-196
The subject of the wind tunnel tests is a steel chimney 85 m high of cylindrical – type structure with a grid-type curtain structure situated at its upper part. The model of the upper part of the chimney made in the scale of 1:19 was equipped with 3 levels of wind pressure measurement points. Each level contained 24 points connected with pressure scanners. On the base of the pressure measurements, both mean and instantaneous aerodynamic drag and side force coefficients were determined. Next wind gust factors for these two wind action components were determined. Moreover, for each pressure signal Fast Fourier Transform was done. Mean wind action components were also determined using stain gauge aerodynamic balance. Obtained results make possible to conclude that the solution applied in the upper part of the designed chimney is correct from building aerodynamics point of view. Some minor vortex excitations were observed during model tests of the upper part of the chimney. The basic dynamic excitation of this part of the chimney is atmospheric turbulence.
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