Variability of statistical parameters of resistance for reinforced concrete columns with circular cross-section
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PhD., Gaz-System S.A., ul. Jana Kazimierza 578, 05-126 Nieporęt, Rembelszczyzna, Poland
PhD., Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Al. Armii Ludowej 16, 00-637 Warsaw
Submission date: 2020-09-30
Final revision date: 2021-01-13
Acceptance date: 2021-01-13
Publication date: 2021-06-24
Archives of Civil Engineering 2021;67(2):165-180
Columns perform a fundamental function in structures and studies on their reliability significantly impact structural safety. While the resistance and reliability models of rectangular reinforced concrete columns are addressed by many researchers, not much work has been done on the topic of columns with a circular cross-section. In this paper, a reliability model of resistance for circular reinforced concrete columns is formulated. A procedure for the representation of behaviour for short circular reinforced concrete eccentrically loaded columns is developed. It enables the consideration of many parameters including diameter of the column, concrete compressive strength, steel yielding strength, modulus of elasticity of steel, number of rebars, size of reinforcement, and position of bars in the cross-section given by the initial angle of rotation for the reinforcement. The representative design cases are selected for the most common four compressive strengths of concrete and five different reinforcement ratios. In total one hundred design cases are investigated. Statistical parameters of resistance, coefficient of variation and bias factor, are determined using the developed procedure and Monte Carlo simulations. A total of 10,000 full interaction diagrams of force and bending moment are generated for each design case. In each of the design cases, the failure zones are determined and the statistical parameters of resistance are calculated. The results are summarized in a table, presented in the forms of three-dimensional plots, and discussed. The study is performed based on American statistical data, materials and design codes.