Three-point bending of seven layer beams - theoretical and experimental studies
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Publication date: 2016-06-30
Archives of Civil Engineering 2016;62(2):115-133
The subject of the analytical and experimental studies therein is of two metal seven-layer beam - plate bands. The first beam - plate band is composed of a lengthwise trapezoidally corrugated main core and two crosswise trapezoidally corrugated cores of faces. The second beam - plate band is composed of a crosswise trapezoidally corrugated main core and two lengthwise trapezoidally corrugated cores offaces. The hypotheses of deformation of a normal to the middle surface of the beams after bending are formulated. Equations of equilibrium are derived based on the theorem of minimum total potential energy. Three-point bending of the simply supported beams is theoretically and experimentally studied. The deflections of the two beams are determined with two methods, compared and presented.
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