The influence of the soil environment on the corrosivity of failure infrastructure - case study of the exemplary water network
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Publication date: 2018-03-31
Archives of Civil Engineering 2018;64(1):133-144
In the paper the issue connected with water network failure regarding the soil conditions was presented. Water pipes constitute a large part of water company asset. Therefore the analysis concerning the influence of soil conditions into failure occurrence of water pipe is crucial for proper functioning of water supply systems (WSS). In the performed studies the real data from the operation of the exemplary WSS was obtained. The following properties of the ground conditions were taken into consideration among others: the chemical composition and ground phase, based on analysis performed through the following equipment, as the electron microscope with X-ray spectrometer detector and backscattered electrons (BSE) using the powder Debye-Sherrer’s method and X-ray diffractometer. The analysis indicate dependence between soil conditions and corrosivity occurrence, what indicate the importance of performed analysis.
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