The influence of anti-foaming admixture on frost resistance and poriosity characteristic of self-compacting concrete
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Publication date: 2011-12-31
Archives of Civil Engineering 2011;57(4):389-399
For the decreasing of too high air volume in SCC, application of anti-foaming admixture (AFA) is proposed. In effect, AFA is increasing mix flow diameter and decreasing the flow time. Moreover, the workability loss is lower. In case of mix incorporating AFA, their high fluidity do not generate segregation of the mix, which is possible in case of SCC incorporating only SP. The effect of AFA application on the compressive strength depends on the proportions between SP and AFA. AFA has not a negative influence on the freeze-proof properties of the tested concrete. The advisable influence of AFA on porosity characteristic of SCC is proved by research results according to EN 480-11 code.
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