The Relationship between the Mechanical Properties of Aggregates and their Geometric Parameters on the Example of Polish Carpathian Sandstones
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Publication date: 2020-08-25
Archives of Civil Engineering 2020;66(3):209-223
The basic tests that allow the mechanical properties of grained material to be evaluated are tests of an aggregate’s resistance to crushing - the Los Angeles coefficient, and resistance to abrasion - the micro-Deval coefficient. These parameters primarily depend on the physical and mechanical properties of the raw material from which they are produced. The available literature widely describes the relationship between these parameters and bulk density, porosity, ultrasonic wave velocity, compression strength, tensile strength and point strength. This paper presents the relationship between the mechanical properties of aggregates and their geometrical properties. The analysis was carried out for the relationship between the Los Angeles and micro- Deval coefficients and the flatness and shape indices. As a result of the conducted considerations, the influence of the aggregate assortment on the analysed coefficients was also noted. All of the tests were carried out for aggregates (arch stones and mixtures) produced from sandstones from the Magura, Cergo and Krosno layers.
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