Simplified design equation for web tapered I-sections using finite element modeling
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Publication date: 2018-09-30
Archives of Civil Engineering 2018;64(3):57-66
The web-tapered I-columns have the capacity to resist the flexural buckling and lateral torsional buckling at a particular location where as in the rest of the member the capacity is lower. There needs a focusing on the nonprismatic members, to find the buckling capacity and standard procedures are to be framed in Indian Code IS 800:2007. This exploratory research explores simulated finite element models covering a total of 60 web tapered column sections having taper ratios (h2/h1) from 1.0 to 3.0 using FEA software ANSYS17.2. With an elaborate Eigenvalue buckling analysis, this research has come up with newer design equation for calculating the buckling load of web tapered I columns. This novel equation could predict the buckling stress for any taper ratio of web tapered I column of any length.
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