Legal barriers to the development of onshore wind power plants and the design of wind turbine tower pile foundation
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Faculty of Geoingineering, Department of Building Engineering, The University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Poland
Submission date: 2023-04-12
Acceptance date: 2023-05-16
Publication date: 2024-04-01
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Ireneusz Dyka
Faculty of Geoingineering, Department of Building Engineering, The University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Prawochenskiego 15, 10-720, Olsztyn, Poland
Archives of Civil Engineering 2024;70(1):53-71
Even the best project of a wind power plant (WPP) can fail if there are not favourable legal regulations for its completion. Most of the research has dealt with identification of various obstacles to implement WPP (political, social, legal, environmental). Analyses of legal barriers (LBs) have been usually made at a high degree of generality. This paper offers a thorough overview of LBs for localization of WPPs in Poland. This is the country where restrictive regulations have blocked the possibility of implementing such projects in many areas. Unfriendly law may persuade investors to choose worse wind turbines foundation conditions. In our research we focus on a problem little dealt in scientific studies, i.e. on the localization of WPP in difficult geotechnical conditions. The article presents the analytical engineering method, which includes the mutual influence between foundation piles in carrying on the construction load on a subsoil. The paper presents the geotechnical parameters responsible for calculation outcomes, the theoretical basis of the curve analysis method of settlement of a single pile and of the calculation of piles settlement working in a group and fastened with a stiff head. It also shows the effect of pile arrangement in a foundation and a load distribution of in-dividual piles, as well as a settlement and leaning of foundation of wind power turbine towers. The method enables a more precise, safer and optimal design of a wind turbine foundation.